
Top 30+ Thanksgiving Riddles

Thanksgiving Riddles

Thanksgiving Riddles – Are you a fan of riddles? If you are you should know there is no shortage of riddles when it comes to different holidays. Whether it be riddles with spooky answers for Halloween or riddles that celebrate the festive season, there are always a few riddles related to different holidays.

Thanksgiving is no different. While not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, there is no shortage of lines related to the holiday and what it brings. When it comes to riddles, there are plenty of riddles with answers about the food and clever lines about the holiday, there are plenty of great Thanksgiving riddles to know about. Some great examples are as follows:

  • What smells the best every Thanksgiving dinner? Your nose!
  • What’s something you can never eat at Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving breakfast and lunch.
  • What is the main difference between Thanksgiving and April Fools’ Day? On one, you are thankful and on the other, you are prankful.
  • Which hand should you butter your roll with during the Thanksgiving dinner? Neither. You should use a knife!
  • The annual tradition each and every Thanksgiving Day is watching the great team sport the Lions and Cowboys play. What is it? A football 
  • I am a kitchen appliance, but I am not trying to boast. On Thanksgiving, your delicious turkey is what I roast. What am I? An oven.
  • What is hard, oddly-shaped, and brings you good fortune on Thanksgiving? A wishbone
  • I am served at Thanksgiving dinner. I have ears, but I cannot hear. My outside is good enough to eat, but my inside gets thrown away. What am I? Corn
  • Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots.
  • I can be hot or cold. I can be made with fruit, vegetables or meat. Either way you see it, on a Thanksgiving table, I am always a treat. What am I? Pie.
  • I get stuffed and I get dressed on Thanksgiving. What am I? The Thanksgiving host.
  • I am a 12-letter word, 2 compound words, and people celebrate me in the fall. What am I? Thanksgiving.

Related Thanksgiving Riddles

  • Why don’t you like eating fish on Thanksgiving? It’s because Thanksgiving Day never falls on a Fry-Day.
  • Which of the Thanksgiving beverages is considered to be sad?  Apple sigh-der.
  • What’s the sleepiest thing at the Thanksgiving table? Nap-kins.
  • What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? The tur-key.
  • I am a horn that is filled with all the season’s harvest. What am I? Cornucopia.
  • Most people eat this, and that is no surprise. It tastes great as chips and also as fries. What am I? A Potato.
  • A fruit eaten with turkey will help fill your belly. It’s great as a sauce and also as jelly. What is it? Cranberry.
  • I’m orange and round and catch your eye. I’m also delicious when baked in a pie. What am I? A Pumpkin.
  • What is brown, big, and red all over? A turkey with a scoop of cranberry sauce.
  • If an apple, pear, and peach come from a tree, where do turkeys come from? A poul-tree.
  • What is usually on the Thanksgiving dinner table, but cannot be eaten? Plates and silverware!
  • If we feel scared on Halloween, and jolly on Christmas, then what do we feel on Thanksgiving? Stuffed!

Other Funny Riddles

  • What’s has feathers, a bowed head and kneels? A turkey praying to not be eaten.
  • What is red and has feathers all over? A turkey blushing.
  • On Thanksgiving, what’s always in the middle of the table? The letter b.
  • What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving? The letter g.
  • If it took 3 women 4 hours to roast a turkey, how long would it take 4 women to roast the same turkey? None, the turkey is already roasted.
  • What never eats at the Thanksgiving table, but is always stuffed? A turkey!
  • At what point does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary!
  • Which side of the turkey is the left side? The part that hasn’t yet been eaten!
  • Why is Johnny always getting low grades every Thanksgiving? Because everything is marked down after the holidays.
  • If you’re carving the turkey with an electric cutter, what kind of battery does it need when it runs out of power? None, because it is electric powered.

If you want to explore other lines related to the holiday, check out our Thanksgiving Quotes and Thanksgiving Pick-up Lines.

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