
30+ Funny and Silly Candy Jokes for Halloween

Candy Jokes for Halloween

Candy Jokes for Halloween – Who doesn’t enjoy some candy to get a sweet fix? When it comes to Halloween candy, however, it is something different. Halloween candy is one of the biggest things that people enjoy during the spooky season. Once October nears, homes and stores are packed with colorful treats like chocolates, gummies, and jawbreakers.

With so many candy choices, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. That said, there are plenty of things to say about Halloween candy, including jokes. Whether it be about a chocolate bar or some gum, there is always one joke to enjoy about a favorite candy. These Candy Jokes for Halloween are just a few prime examples:

  • Apparently, you have to pay extra for candy these days. They call it the Tic Tax
  • What do you call a candy cane with graduated markings? A measure-mint device.
  • What is the funniest candy of all? A LOL-lipop.
  • What do you call an astronaut’s favorite candy? Space Bar.
  • What sort of candy can you use to write with? Chalk-alate!
  • What kind of candy does a road like? Pavemint.
  • What do you call a train that eats toffee? A chew, chew train.
  • What is a candy’s favorite type of music? Pop!
  • What do you call a candy that can sing? A Jolly Rancher!
  • What do you call a candy that tells jokes? A laughy taffy!

Cheeky Candy Jokes for Halloween

  • I ate some rainbow candy that I was a little concerned about; I’m okay now; it passed with flying colors
  • What’s Dracula’s favourite alcoholic drink and candy combo? Red vines
  • I almost got busted for shoplifting candy today…But I got out of it. I’ve got a couple of twix up my sleeve.
  • How do you spell candy with two letters? C and Y
  • Do you remember those days when we used to use subliminal advertising to sell candy? And, buy gum, it worked.
  • Why didn’t the ghost eat his candy? He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  • Do you know that there are two types of candy? The good ones, and the ones dad eats.
  • What language do they speak in Candy Land?Sweet-ish.
  • Why is it important to keep some candy in your pocket at all times?It could be a lifesaver.
  • Why did the candy go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little hard on the outside, but soft on the inside.
  • What did the lollipop say to the other lollipop? See you later sucker!
  • What do gingerbread men use when they break their legs? Candy canes

Other Sweets Related Jokes

  • It’s so hot this summer, the Halloween candy at Walmart is starting to melt.
  • Why did the boy put candy under his pillow? – Because he wanted sweet dreams!
  • Candy is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.
  • How do you make a lemon drop? Just let it fall!
  • What do you call a bear without any teeth? A gummy bear!
  • Why did the gum cross the road? It was stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe!
  • Why did the candyfloss join the circus? It wanted to show off its sweet tricks!
  • Why did the chocolate melt in the sun? Because it was a hot chocolate
  • Why did the candy floss go to the gym? It wanted to do some sugar-coated workouts!
  • Why did the candy bring a map to the party? It didn’t want to get lost in the sugar rush!
  • Why did the candy go to the dance? It wanted to have a sweet time!
  • Why did the candy floss go to the doctor? It felt a little tangled!

Did you have a laugh? You can enjoy more Halloween-related lines with our Halloween Knock Knock Jokes and Cute and Romantic Halloween Greetings.

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