
From scratch

From scratchBack in December 2015 we built a website with jokes, riddles, pickup lines, quotes and more. When I say we, I mean me and one of my friends. Late 2016, we had about 400,000 visitors each month. We were happy and had many plans for the site. Unfortunately, our plans were not the same and we decided to go separate ways.
Early 2017 I decided therefore to start from scratch, I bought a new domain and began diligently to work on this website. Today it´s this site you see in front of you. I am happy and proud of it, but the work is far from over. I have big plans for this site and I hope that we together will make it great. As you probably can see this website contains only quotes. I decided to split the old website in separate webpages. The second website is where you can go if you like jokes.
This website will only contain quotes, but there will also be plenty of them. Here is the five most popular categories on the website at the moment:

The year 2017

My goal with this site is to make it as popular as the last one. I honestly don’t know if I can make it, but I will certainly try. My focus is to add about 3-4 new quote categories every week.

To build a website from scratch is though work, and this time I am all alone, it certainly would be great if you all could give a hand. My plea to is, if you have or know a good quote or quotes, please send them in. I will make sure to add them to the great collection and mention you by name as a thanks.

That was it for now.

Have a great day people.

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