
Top 30+ Funny Jokes About Being Tired

jokes about being tired

Jokes About Being Tired – We all have our moments of feeling tired over something. When we feel tired, every one of us has different ways of dealing with it. One way of dealing with tiredness is with humor. Whether you’re a night owl burning the midnight oil or simply someone who appreciates the humor in sleep deprivation, you’ll find there are several jokes that cover being tired. These jokes can range from witty one-liners about getting out of bed to funny anecdotes. Some of the funniest jokes about being tired or cover the topic of tiredness isas follows:

  • I’m so tired, my tired is tired.
  • I’m so tired of seeing cheesy puns on reddit all the time… I swiss they would just stop already.
  • I’m so tired of German Sausage jokes. They’re the wurst.
  • I’m so tired from eating mayonnaise all day. I’m eggsauceded
  • Im tired of the movies, I miss the Transformers cartoon. That’s when Optimus was in his prime
  • You know why everyone is so tired today? Because we just finished a 31 day March!
  • Why do the guards around Big Ben always look so tired? Because they’re working around the clock.
  • What do you do when someone is tired and doesn’t know how to nap? You give them a crash course.
  • Which art supply will make you tired? A cra-yawn.
  • Do you know why mountains are always tired? Because they don’t Everest.

More Jokes About Being Tired

  • I’m sick of tired of people soaking my floor with their wet umbrellas when they come over to visit. I think it’s time to make a stand.
  • If my jokes seem tired. It’s because I sleep funny
  • Tired of being single, so I went to see a matchmaker today. Left with a box of matches.
  • Why did the mushroom stop going to parties? He was tired of people telling him he was a fun guy.
  • Why is it so tiring to fix a toilet? Because the work is draining.
  • What do you do when you’re tired of hearing someone’s boring herb jokes? You tell them that it’s thyme to stop.
  • Why do people get tired of Facebook? Because everyone is just so meme.
  •  What do you call a music concert with a tired audience? Lollapasnooza.
  • Where do tired people go to buy their food? A grocery snore.
  • What do you call a sleepy truck? Tired.

Other Jokes on Tiredness

  • If you run in front of a car, you get tired. If you run behind a car, you get exhausted.
  • Why didn’t the bike go to the car show? Because he was two tired.
  • Astronomers got tired watching the moon go around the earth for 24 hours. They decided to call it a day.
  • Why is the army always tired? Because they have fatigues!
  • I felt super exhausted after giving blood. It’s such a draining procedure.
  • What do you call a very sleepy egg? Eggs-hausted.
  • One night I dreamt that I was a muffler… I woke up exhausted.
  • What do you call a person who is tired of playing card games? Cardboard.
  • What do you call a conference with tired delegates? A snooze fest.
  • What would you call a skeleton that’s very tired? A Grim Sleeper.
  • What do you call a tired herbivore? A Zzzzebra.
  • What is a sleepy dragon’s favorite steak? A flaming yawn.

To enjoy more jokes, you should check out our Jokes about Books and Jokes about Sleep.

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