
Top 30+ Guess Who Jokes

guess who jokes

Guess Who Jokes – The act of asking someone to guess seems pretty simple but it can lead to a hilarious joke when done right. There is no shortage of jokes that take phrases like “Why Did” and “Dating me is Like” and turn them into hilarious jokes. Wordplay may not be for everyone, but when someone gets it and has a laugh, it can be a delightful response for any who shared the joke. It also helps that jokes that feature plain phrases can range in topics and end with different punchlines. If you need something funny to read, these Guess Who Jokes can help brighten your day:

  • Guess who I bumped into on my way to the optician? Everyone!
  • Guess who I saw today? Everyone I looked at.
  • Guess who doesn’t want to become a millionaire? A billionaire.
  • There is a zombie who writes music. Guess who? The decomposer.
  • Guess who owns bitcoin at a party? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.
  • Guess who Captain Crunch, report to? General Mills.
  • Guess who won the art contest? Nobody, it was a draw.
  • There is a soldier who survived both mustard gas and pepper spray. Guess who? A seasoned veteran.
  • Guess who is in favor of bringing Roman numerals back into use? I for one.
  • Guess who came late for our trick or treat party? Choco-late.

More Guess Who Jokes

  • Guess who invented the cupholder. Michael cupholder.
  • Guess who makes cold brew coffee? A Brrrrrista.
  • Jar Jar Binks has a brother who is a famous author. Guess who? Jor Jor Well.
  • Guess who plays Han Solo in the Norwegian version of Star Wars? Harrison Fjord!
  • Guess who was the roundest knight at the Round Table? Sir Cumference. He had too much pi.
  • Guess who Polyphemus hates more than Odysseus? Nobody.
  • A little boy made of pasta comes to life. Guess who? Pi-gnocchi-o.
  • Just met a detective who just solves cases accidentally. Guess who? Sheer Luck Holmes.
  • Guess who was Obi-Wan Kenobi’s brother? Obi-Tu Kenobi.
  • Guess who runs Mexican Amazon? Jeff Pesos.
  • Guess who built polygonal Rome? Rhombus and Rhembus.
  • Guess who made the fish’s wishes come true? Its fairy cod-mother.

Other Jokes Using the Phrase

  • Guess who can drink 10 liters of petrol and not get sick? Jerry can.
  • There is a woman who has 4 sons that are all CEOs. Guess who? An executive producer.
  • Guess who comes out of the kitchen If gay people come out of the closet? Pansexuals.
  • Who was the cheesiest singer that ever lived? Feta James.
  • Guess who was the first carpenter? Eve. She made Adam’s banana stand.
  • Guess who won the very first no-bell prize? The person who invented knock-knock jokes.
  • Has no life but still dies, guess who? A battery.
  • Guess who jokes the most in here? You have the answer!
  • Guess who Dracula brings with him to movie premieres? His ghoul-friend!
  • Guess who were the greenest Presidents in US history? The Bushes.

If you want to enjoy even more jokes, you should check out our Best Food Knock Knock Jokes and Why Did Jokes.

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