
30+ Notable Putin Quotes on Terrorists

Putin Quotes on Terrorists

Putin Quotes on Terrorists – Vladimir Putin has given no shortage of memorable quotes throughout the years. With the current turmoil going on, you can find plenty of translations and transcriptions of his response to the different events. Among the different lines, he has delivered to the public, you will find different quotes on terrorism and its effects. These are just some of the top memorable Putin Quotes on Terrorists among other notable lines for different situations.

  • “Terrorism has once again shown it is prepared deliberately to stop at nothing in creating human victims. An end must be put to this. As never before, it is vital to unite forces of the entire world community against terror”
  • “Terrorists are always a threat to someone. If we’ll be scared of them, it means they have won.”
  • “Terrorism has no nationality or religion.”
  • “All civilised countries should unite in the fight against international terrorism.”
  • “If attempts to carry out terrorist attacks on our territory continue, Russia’s responses will be harsh and, in terms of their scale, will correspond to the level of threats posed by the Russian Federation. No one should have any doubts about this.”
  • “This terrible tragedy…. the entire international community should unite in the struggle against terrorism this is a blatant challenge to humanity.”
  • “Only a developed society, for example, only a strong democratic system in modern conditions can create a climate in which any manifestation of terrorism is unacceptable and can also make the state itself stronger.”
  • “I bow my head to the victims of terrorism. I am highly impressed of the courage of New York residents. The great city and the great American nation are to win!”
  • “At least in Russia, you cannot just go and tap into someone’s phone conversation without a warrant issued by court. That’s more or less the way a civilized society should go about fighting terrorism.”
  • “We should cooperate much more closely in fighting terrorism, which is a great challenge.”

More Quotes on Terrorism and Other Topics by Putin

  • “Today, terrorism threatens a great number of states, a great number of people – hundreds of thousands, millions of people suffer from its criminal activity. And we all face the task of joining our efforts in the fight against this common evil.”
  • “You made these things up yourselves and now scare yourselves with them and even use them to plan your prospective policies. These policies have no prospects. The only possible future is in cooperation in all areas, including security issues. What is the major security problem today? Terrorism. There are bombings in Europe, in Paris, in Russia, in Belgium. There is a war in the Middle East. This is the main concern. But no, let us keep speculating on the threat from Russia.”
  • “The fight against terrorism is something very real and practical for us. This is a fight to preserve our territorial integrity, and in this sense we need to have the instruments and create an environment in Russia that would make it impossible for the international terrorist organisations to achieve the aims they have set for themselves here.”
  • “We shall fight against them, throw them in prisons and destroy them.”
  • “No one should be allowed to violently trample on the law.”
  • “The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather taking into account and respecting your partner’s legitimate interests.”
  • “If the nation is not capable of preserving itself and reproducing, if it loses it vital bearings and ideals, then it doesn’t need foreign enemies – it will fall apart on its own.”
  • “Radicals can be found in any environment.”
  • “Russia needs a strong state power and must have it. But I am not calling for totalitarianism.”
  • “The strengthening of our statehood is, at times, deliberately interpreted as authoritarianism.”

Other Memorable Lines by Putin

  • “The path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.”
  • “It is wrong to make anyone into an enemy; it is wrong to scare the people of one’s own country with that enemy and try to rally some allies on that basis.”
  • “No references to the need to fight terror can be an argument for restricting human rights.”
  • “One can truly enjoy his or her life only while experiencing it, and it is inevitably related to a certain level of risk.”
  • “Everything will probably never be OK. But we have to try for it.”“Despite all the achievements of civilisation, the human being is still one of the most vulnerable creatures on earth.”
  • “The transfer of power is always a test of the constitutional system, a test of its strength.”
  • “Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle.”
  • “The worst thing for a politician is to try and cling to power by every possible means, and focus only on that.”
  • “Sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove that you are right.”
  • “Despite all the achievements of civilisation, the human being is still one of the most vulnerable creatures on earth.”
  • “Those who fight corruption should be clean themselves.”
  • “You must obey the law, always, not only when they grab you by your special place.”

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