
The 30+ Best Giraffe Jokes

giraffe jokes

Giraffe Jokes – Plenty of animals are considered rather funny. One of them is giraffes. With their long features and how they act, there tend to be all kinds of jokes about them. While jokes about animals aren’t necessarily meant to be mean, there are plenty of things about giraffes and other animals that can be rather funny. If you don’t mind some animal jokes, here are some great Giraffe Jokes for a chuckle:

  • Knock knock. Who’s there. Giraffe. Giraffe who? Giraffe anything to eat? I’m starving!
  • You are riding a Giraffe at full speed, there is a lion right behind you and a horse in front of you, what do you do? Get off the merry-go-round.
  • ​Why are giraffes so slow to apologize? It takes them a long time to swallow their pride.
  • When a giraffe eats a small snack, a little goes a long way.
  • Giraffes are hard working and make amazing employees. Only problem is their neck ties cost $5000.
  • A giraffe walks into a bar and says… The highballs are on me.
  • The worst thing about being a giraffe is that your coffee gets cold by the time it reaches your belly.
  • The worst thing about being a giraffe is needing 100 Heimlich manouvres when you are choking.
  • Some Giraffes can grow up to 18 feet. But most only have 4
  • I bet giraffes don’t even know what farts smell like.

Punny Giraffe Jokes

  • What do you call an animal that turns into a boat? A GIRRAFT
  • What do you call a mural of a giraffe in the street? Giraffiti
  • What do you get when two giraffes collide? A giraffic jam.
  • What is a giraffe’s favorite fruit? Necktarines
  • What kind of magic does a love-struck giraffe practice? Neck-romance-y
  • How did the giraffe get himself a job? By neckworking.
  • What do you get when you cross a giraffe and a pig? Bacon and legs.
  • What do you call it when a giraffe swallows a toy jet? A “plane in the neck.”
  • What did Dracula say then he saw a giraffe for the first time? I’d like to get to gnaw you.
  • What do you get if you cross a giraffe with a lawyer? Long-arm of the Law

Additional Giraffe Jokes

  • The worst thing about being a giraffe is having a sore throat
  • What’s the silliest name you can give a giraffe? Stumpy.
  • What do giraffes have that no one else has? Baby giraffes!
  • The worst thing about being a giraffe is vomiting after you drank too much! Ewww
  • What’s worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? A centipede with athlete’s foot.
  • The worst thing about being a male giraffe is having your neck being the only long part of your body.
  • When does a giraffe have 8 legs? When there are two of them!
  • Why do giraffes sing in the rain? Because they don’t fit in the shower.
  • Why did the giraffe sign up for monk training? He felt a higher calling.
  • How do you write a report on a giraffe? First, you get a really tall ladder …
  • Did you hear about the Giraffe and Ostrich race? It was neck and neck.
  • Why did the giraffe get bad grades? He had his head in the clouds.

Have a laugh at more jokes with our “Animal Jokes for Kids” and “Dating me is Like Jokes.”

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