
30+ Fun and Tricky New Year Riddles

New Year Riddles

New Year Riddles – Riddles may not be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to celebrating the New Year, but there are quite a few of them. Riddles relating to the end of the year can vary from referring to the midnight strike to things related to the celebrations like parties. While not everyone is too keen on riddles, there are plenty of clever ones relating to the new year.

There are even a few riddles you would not expect to connect to the celebration but do. If you are interested in testing out your riddle skills, here are some fun New Year riddles to check out:

  • I am the place where you check the countdown for the New Year. What am I? A clock
  • In the new year, you typically think a lot about me. I can’t be seen, but I’m right in front of you. What am I? The future
  • What year did New Year come before Christmas? Every year
  • I am often broken, but always made. What am I? New Year’s resolution
  • I can typically be found on New Year’s Eve and you need a crowd to throw me. What am I? A party
  • In this bustling town, the ball drops in Times Square to send New Year cheer around. Where am I? New York City 
  • To ring in the New Year here, Big Ben chimes for all to hear. Where is this? London 
  • I am a colorful cracker that cannot be eaten. I mark the arrival of the new year in many celebrations. What am I? A firecracker
  • I start a new year but never get old. What am I? January 1st 
  • I declared January 1 the start of a new year with my calendar. Who am I? Julius Caesar

Tricky New Year Riddles

  • When January arrives, so do I, A time for fresh starts and goals to apply. What am I? The New Year
  • With fireworks, cheers, and joyous laughter, We greet this day, a year chasing after. What am I? New Year’s Day
  • I come with New Year’s fireworks’ cheer, A joyous display for all to hear. What am I? Midnight
  • I’m full of resolutions, but I never lose weight. What am I? A New Year’s list
  • I am considered unlucky to eat when celebrating New Year’s because I move backward with my claws instead of forward. What am I? Lobster
  • I am sweet when I’m ripe. In Spain, 12 of me are eaten on New Year’s Eve at midnight. What am I? Grapes
  • I am said to cause good luck to fly away, so don’t eat me on New Year’s Day. What am I? Fowl
  • I am the traditional toasting drink of New Year’s and can only be found in Northeastern France. What am I? Champagne
  • What is the first thing you see in the New Year but the last thing you buy? An opportunity 
  • The old year ends and the new year starts when this moves from 11:59 to 12:00. What am I? The second hand on the clock 
  • I’m not Father Time, but every year I pass my duties on to a newborn. Who am I? The old year
  • Steve is turning 40 this year, but he turned 39 yesterday. How is this possible? Steve’s birthday is on December 31, the last day of the year. The current day is January 1st of the next year

Other Related Puzzles

  • I’m a clean slate every 365 days, what am I? The New Year
  • It’s the year of the boar, rat, and dog. It’s all about lanterns, dragons, and much more. What is it? The Chinese New Year
  • With twelve parts, I mark the year’s stages, Each month named after famous sages. What am I? A Calendar
  • What has twelve chapters and 365 pages but never gets old? A brand new year!
  • A number that changes when the clock strikes twelve, A new chapter of time we fondly delve. What am I? The year.
  • People who celebrate me are considered Evil by many Religions. What am I? I am Yule!
  • It has a neck but no head. What is it? A bottle 
  • I am a dessert used for celebrating all the occasions? What is it? A Cake
  • Which is the month when the Christmas and New Year party is celebrated? December
  • What is always in front of you but never gets closer? Tomorrow
  • What is the best thing about the future? It comes one day at a time
  • What goes up as the clock ticks down? Age

If you want to solve more riddles, check out our Christmas Riddles and Winter Riddles.

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