
Top 30+ Hilarious Jokes About Sleep

jokes about sleep

Jokes About Sleep – Everyone needs a good amount of sleep but do you know that sleep can be a funny thing? It can be amusing when we doze off at odd times or have strange dreams. In fact, of jokes to make about the topic. Whether it’s the struggle to wake up or the funny things that happen while sleepwalking, there are a variety of jokes that cover the topic of sleeping and everything related to it. While plenty of jokes that cover sleep are on the pun-related side, there are a number of jokes that deliver punchlines worthy of a chuckle:

  • I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days, but whatever.
  • Scientists have finally discovered exactly how much sleep a human needs. Just five minutes more.”
  • Taller people sleep longer in bed.
  • You know you’re getting older when happy hour is a nap.
  • I fitted an alarm clock to my shoe. It stops my foot from falling asleep.
  • My boss calls me ‘the computer’, not because of my calculation skills but because I go to sleep when left unattended for 15 minutes.
  • If teleportation becomes a real thing, I’m just going to use it to zap myself to a different timezone and get three hours of extra sleep every night.
  • I am so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed.
  • If you notice cows sleeping in a field, does that mean it’s pasture bedtime?
  • When you dream in color, is it a pigment of your imagination?
  • I would love to be paid to sleep. It would be my dream job.
  • The urge to sing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.
  • Just bought a sleeping bag for $30. No idea how to wake it up though.
  • I accidentally went to bed with my contact lenses last night. My dreams have never been clearer.
  • I went to a gig last night and the band’s guitarist passed out on stage. He must have rocked himself to sleep.

More Jokes About Sleep

  • What should you do if you can’t go to sleep? You lie on the bed’s edge and soon you’ll drop off.
  • How do you make yourself fall asleep faster? You decorate your bedroom like a classroom!
  • Go to sleep, kid. You’ll regret it once you become an adult.
  • Why is insomnia not a joke? Because people are losing sleep over it.
  • Why did the little girl take her bicycle to bed with her? Because she didn’t want to sleepwalk.
  • What happens when you sleep on pillows with corduroy cases? They make headlines.
  • What would you do if a dinosaur fell asleep on your bed? You go sleep somewhere else!
  • What happened when the boy fell asleep on a bed of sugar? He had sweet dreams.
  • What do you call it when a mass of white wool snores on a field? A sleep.
  • Is your iPad making you fall asleep? There’s a nap for that.
  • I like to sleep with a bedside lamp on. However, my boyfriend says it’s weird. I don’t know why. It makes a great hat.
  • Where do fish sleep? On the river bed.
  • Where do books sleep? Under their covers.
  • Why did mom always tiptoe past the medicine cabinet? She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.
  • Learning to sleep upside down is often hard for baby bats. But they soon get the hang of it.

Other Jokes That Cover Sleep

  • Why did the Scout bring a ruler to bed with him? To find out how long he slept.
  • Why was the man running around on his bed? He needed to catch up on his sleep!
  • Is there any difference between light and hard? With a light on, it’s easy to sleep.
  • What makes clowns wear loud socks? To stop their feet from falling asleep.
  • Why do dragons usually sleep during the day? In order to fight knights.
  • How does a lawyer sleep? First he lies on one side, then on the other.
  • Why did the cowboy keep his bunk next to the fireplace? It’s because he just wanted to sleep!
  • How do you put a baby alien to sleep? You rocket.

If you want to enjoy more jokes, check out our Jokes about Coffee and That’s What She Said Jokes.

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