
30+ Fun and Silly Jokes About Autumn

jokes about autumn

Jokes About Autumn – The autumn season is something that many people look forward to for different reasons. Whether it is the cooling weather or warm drinks, autumn brings many things to enjoy. Among the many things that people can enjoy about the season, there is a range of jokes to help bring laughs.

While many associate the season with coziness, there are others who find something to poke fun at. All seasons have a range of jokes about them, and autumn is no different. From jokes about the leaves to quips about things associated with it, there’s plenty to poke at about the season. The following Jokes About Autumn are just a few prime examples:

  • What is the cutest season? Aww-tumn.
  • What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves.
  • Why can you trust leaves in the fall? They speak from the b-autumn of their hearts.
  • How do leaves get from place to place? Autumn-mobiles.
  • Why was the robot couple’s anniversary in the fall? They were autumn mated.
  • What do you call a small pepper in late autumn? A little chili.
  • What did the leaf say to autumn? I’m falling for you!
  • What’s the loudest sound in the forest at autumn? A squirrel eating berries from the tree
  • What did autumn say to summer? “Make like a tree and leave!”
  • What do you call a dude who really likes autumn? A fall guy!
  • What’s the best band to listen to in autumn?  The Spice Girls
  • How does an elephant get out of a tree? It sits on a leaf and waits till autumn.
  • What do you call a dude who really likes autumn? A fall guy!
  • What’s the best band to listen to in autumn?  The Spice Girls
  • My favorite part of autumn is walking through a hundred spider webs a day and screaming every single time.

Cheeky Jokes About Autumn

  • I would tell you an autumn joke but you probably wouldn’t fall for it.
  • What time of year do people get injured the most? In the fall.
  • Why is autumn the proudest season? It’s fall of it.
  • ​​Why are trees so carefree and easy going? Because every fall, they let loose.
  • Why do trees hate going to school in the fall? Because they’re easily stumped.
  • What did the ground say when fall came? Well that’s a re-leaf.
  • Did you hear about the tree that deserted the forest at the end of fall? He was absent without leaves!
  • What monster is red, round, and comes out in the fall? Frankenapple.
  • How many books do you read at fall? I usually leaf through a couple of them
  • What do lumberjacks shout at the start of fall? Sep-timberrrrrr!
  • Why do people with vertigo hate autumn? In case they have a bad fall.
  • Did you know that when leaves fall off of trees in Autumn, it’s because of nostalgia? They’re trying to get back to their roots.
  • What did one Almond tree say to another before Autumn? “Hold onto your nuts; fall is here!”
  • What did the tree say to fall in their fight? “I can’t do this anymore; I’m leafing.”
  • Why is autumn the proudest season? It’s fall of it.

Other Fall-Related Jokes

  • What band do autumn vandals listen to? The Smashing Pumpkins..
  • What do pirates wear at autumn? Pumpkin patches.
  • Why do pumpkins sit on people’s porches? They don’t have any hands to knock on the door.
  • Which pumpkins can swim the best? The coast gourd
  • Why was the autumn vegetable stew so valuable? It contained 24 carat gourd.
  • What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth.
  • Why are apples so bad in interrogations? They always crumble.
  • What did the baker add to the apple pie to make it extra delicious? Spice spice baby.
  • What’s Voltaire’s favorite dessert? Candide apples.
  • How are you supposed to talk in the apple library? With your in-cider voice.
  • What’s James Bond’s favorite hot drink? Pumpkin spy-ced latte.
  • What did the squash with an identity crisis say? I’m A–Corn!
  • ​​Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield? Because the corn has ears.
  • What’s the saddest side dish? Sweet potato cries.
  • What did the apple say to the pie baker? Use cherries instead.

If you want to enjoy more autumn-related lines, check out our Autumn Pick-Up Lines and Quotes About the Autumn Season.

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