
Chemistry Quiz



The concepts involved in this theme are: electron affinity, ionization energy, atomic/ionic radius, quantum numbers.

Question 1-1. The main quantum number (n) expresses:
A) The angular momentum of the electron in its movement around the nucleus.
B) The probability of finding an electron close to the nucleus.
C) The spatial orientation of an orbital.
D) The fact that in an orbital there are always more than 5 electrons.

Answer: B
Question 1-2. Which are tha mass and atomic numbers of a proton?
A) Atomic number of 1 and mass number of 2.
B) Atomic number of 1 and mass number of 0.
C) Atomic number of 0 and mass number of 1.
D) Atomic number of 1 and mass number of 1.

Answer: D
Question 1-3. The energy exchanged when an atom gains an electron in gas phase is:
A) Electron affinity.
B) No energy is exchanged in this process.
C) Ionization energy.
D) Electronegativity.

Answer: A
Question 1-4. When comparing calcium with germanium, which one has the bigger ionization energy?
A) Germanium.
B) Both have the same ionization energy.
C) Calcium.
D) None is correct.

Answer: A
Question 1-5. The quantum numbers which represent the energy of an orbital are:
A) n and m.
B) l and s.
C) n and l.
D) l and m.

Answer: C


The concepts involved in this theme are: equilibrum constant, Kp constant, equilibrum concept.

Question 2-1. If the equilibrum constant value is zero, this will mean that:
A) The reaction will be partially displaced to the right.
B) The reaction will be completely displaced to the left.
C) The reaction will be completely displaced to the right.
D) No reaction will take place.

Answer: B
Question 2-2. Equilibrum constant depends on:
A) The temperature of the system.
B) The total pressure of the system.
C) The initial concentration of reactants.
D) The chemical state of reactants.

Answer: A
Question 2-3. In the following equilibrum: 2A(g) + B(g) to produce 2C(g). If C concentration is increased, what will happen?
A) System will not be affected.
B) System will be displaced to the right.
C) System will be displaced to the left.
D) It cannot be estimated as we do not know temperature and pressure.

Answer: C
Question 2-4. If the equilibrum constant is small, this means that...
A) Reaction will need a lot of time to reach equilibrum.
B) Reaction will not take place.
C) Reaction will be very displaced to the right.
D) Reaction will be very displaced to the left.

Answer: D
Question 2-5. For the following reaction: A(g) + B(g) to produce 2C(g), we can affirm that:
A) The constant Kp is equal to the equilibrum constant multiplied by R (constant) and T.
B) The constant Kp is equal to the equilibrum constant multiplied by R (constant) and T (to the power of -1).
C) The constant Kp is equal to the equilibrum constant multipled by the temperature.
D) The constant Kp is equal to the equilibrum constant.

Answer: D


The concepts involved in this theme are: pH concept, solubility, solute, solvent and acidity / basicity of mediums.

Question 3-1. Calcium hydroxide will dissolve easier in:
A) A medium with pH equal to 9.
B) A medium with pH equal to 7.
C) A medium with pH equal to 3.
D) A medium with pH equal to 13.

Answer: C
Question 3-2. If we increase the temperature, how is solubility influenced?
A) Solubility is not affected.
B) It depends on the compound.
C) Solubility will decrease.
D) Solubility will increase.

Answer: d
Question 3-3. Most compounds based on alkaline metals and ammonium ion are:
A) More or less soluble in water.
B) Completely insoluble in water.
C) Sparingly soluble in water.
D) It cannot be estimated, it depends on the pressure.

Answer: A
Question 3-4. If to a saturated solution of AgCl we add a tablespoon of NaCl:
A) It will precipitate the salt added (NaCl).
B) It will precipitate silver chloride.
C) Nothing will happen.
D) Chlorine will be evaporated.

Answer: B
Spoiler title
Answer: B


The concepts involved in this theme are: status changes, general concepts about chemistry (composition, normal/standard contidions, ideal gas equation…).

Question 4-1. Evaporation means change the phase of a compound...
A) From liquid to gas.
B) From gas to liquid.
C) From solid to gas.
D) From gas to solid.

Answer: A
Question 4-2. Compounds have a composition which is...
A) The same for all metals.
B) Variable depending on its origin.
C) Changeable by using physical methods.
D) Fixed and it cannot be modified.

Answer: D
Question 4-3. Which is the general expression for the ideal gas equation?
A) n* V = n* R
B) P * V = n * R * T
C) P * T = n * R * V
D) V * T = n * r * P

Answer: B
Question 4-4. The previous equation (ideal gas equation)...
A) Is only followed by noble gasses,
B) Is followed by all gasses.
C) Is followed by none of the gasses, but most of them are close to it.
D) Is exclusively used in liquids.

Answer: C
Spoiler title
Answer: A
Spoiler title
Answer: C

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